Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Humpity Hump Day Eats

Hump Day Eats.

Ok,  after that cupcake last night I have absolutely no business having Starbucks, but look there it is. Tall, non fat  hazelnut latte in all its awful glory and a piece of pumpkin loaf.  Lunch, today will be side salad  with black beans (1), chicken noodle soup (2) and a few mini cheese rice cakes (2) also backed a weight watchers 1 point red velvet bar that I am not going to eat since I had the Starbucks today. Notice how I omitted  the Starbucks points, I don't want to face the truth that I probably wrecked my whole week by  this simple act of being bad  in less than 12 hours. Yikes.

Also,as I am sitting here typing this I am noticing that I really feel bloated. I have not felt this way in maybe 2-3 weeks since my last work morning latte ... Hmmm, something is up with this Starbucks  morning latte habit and I think I am officially over it after this observation. It pays to be in sync with your body after watching  points, portions and activty this last few weeks. BTW, I have lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks since I have been a total nazi with myself... maybe not the nicest word,  lets say totally strict with myself. So kudos to me!

Cupcake Love!

After a really truing but satisfying day yesterday I needed to treat myself to something decadent. I have been talking for a week now about wanting a cupcake. E had to run out for some milk and while he was there he picked up this outrageous cupcake from PW Market, from their gourmetcupcake line. Wooza! I was a little surprised by his selection but then again we have been together for almost 10 years so if anyone knows the combo to my bliss zone its E...Chocolate +Cupcake = happy happy Michelle. But not to fret I only ate half of this little chocolate lovliness and still on  the fence if I am going to nibble the rest today or give it to the littles

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday Eats

Back at work after a long weekend. Breakfast was a a muscle milk chocolate protein shake  and a 1/2 a cup of  dry cheerios . Today's lunch is Morning Star veggie patty (3), side salad with black beans (1), a hardboiled egg (2) and  just in case I get a little  hungry an 18 rabbits  granola bar (4)  and I intended to bring this banana but forgot it at home oppps!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Little Look Back

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Our Favorite Video

Papa moco jumbie came on Noggin this afternoon and it's been awhile since we have seen the littles favorite video. It of course started a jump on the couch even though mommy does not like us jumping in the couch party. Any suggestions on how to deter this jumping on the couch routine? It's ruining my cushions.
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone

CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!

Grumpy Little

IMG_2213, originally uploaded by michelleccmt.

This photo kinda says it all about my fun filled weekend at home with the littles and a grumpy sick lmG.

Sunday Lunch

IMG_2211, originally uploaded by michelleccmt.

I had plenty of time on my hands this Sunday. I was home bound with a sick little and a hubby that was at the Raider game. So while the littles pretended to nap( they never seem to go down for a nap for me anymore) I nosed on a sandwich. Turkey with avocado, cheese and a teaspoon of salsa on La Brea bread from Costco made for a filling lunch. I topped it off with low fat one honey gram cracker and1/4 cup of milk. Yum!

Preschool Art- September Week Three 9/23-9/25, 09



More preschool art. Week after week I am waiting for something more interesting to emerge from these pieces of art, but so far we are getting the same patterns with varying colors.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Spidey War

After a day at the doctor and too fussy littles both from the heat and lmg from an ear infection when I finally was able to sit and relish in the ac a spiderman war errupted... You know they have a spidey pal each. My first thought was gees omg why oh why me? Second thought grab the phone and get ad many decent snaps as you can with out moving from the plush spot on the couch. So, I snapped what I could I hope you can see both of the spideys and then break up the mayhem to save my loveseat, my sanity, and the rest of the day I am still a week behind on days people!

The littles of course protested bur then were distracted by the cats having their own war but I was way too tired to get up and document that.

-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone

CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

End of Work Week Lunch Box

 Thursday Eats
Breakfast: Muscle milk protein shake (3) and one fiber one blueberry toaster pastry(3)
                 Lunch:  Side salad (0) , the remains of my Santa Fe burrito from the burrito shop,
last nights dinner (points unknown)  A hard boiled egg (2)

Snack Attack

Last nights snack was a slice of Kings Hawaiian bread toasted (love that you can buy it sliced now)  with smart balance butter and drizzled with honey and a little bit of milk 
It was the perfect way to end my day. E liked it too!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tough Tumbler

 I am really liking lmG's preschool. They offer an awesome parents night out twice a month and also the Tuff Tumblers program that I was eager to enroll  lmG in once it rolled around. He will be burning  up that never ending supply of energy that he has ( hopefully) and I think its fun for him to excercise. Here are some of the activities he did last friday. Stretching, pom pom play, cart wheel, sommersaults, and going through a tunnel Woo Hoo

Picture 318
Picture 313
Picture 316
Picture 315
Picture 311

Hump Day Box

Picture 307

Sandwich w/ turkey breast, mustard and muester cheese  (5)
Salad  (0)
1/2 cup yogurt w. blue berries adn dried cherries (4)
hard boiled egg (2)

* Breakfast was a muscle milk low calorie protein shake (3)
   One slice of hawaiian bread (2) because I was feeling a like I need a little more this AM.

PreSchool Art Month 3

Picture 312

Only one fantastic little master peice from last week. lmG was out sick one day last week so he did not do as much art work as usual.

Date Night : Yelp Space Odyssey

In the planetarium 

E and I had a date night this last Sunday. My mom watched the littles overnight while we had dinner at Zachary's  and then heaed over to the Yelp Elite event at the Chabot Space and Science Theatre.  I did not snap a bunch of photos because we were having alot of fun . I have lived in the Bay Area my whole life and have never been to this place. Silly right. We attended the Planetarium show which was awesome and then checked out the telescopes. We spotted Jupiter, M-13  ( I think that's what it was I forget now for sure.. a little too much vino complments of Yelp) which is thought to be the oldest cluster of stars which basically ahd something to go with the creation of the universe... but again I am not 100% sure I got all of those details and another cluster of stars, but I really forgete why they are important.

Of course, the tasty nibbles were fabulous.  Edible Explorations (olé mole!), The Sage Table, Otaez (ceviche is a way of life) and Miraku (sushi boat and all) powered us through the evening! Desserts by Sweetface Cupcakes, A Sweet Affair, Local 123 (mmm drip coffee) and Gelateria Naia (whiskey gelato?!) rounded out the nosh.  I loved  the Sweetface cupcakes and the pistachio gelatto the best. It was the yum!

We got home around 11. I  was dead tired the next day but It was so much fun to get out and spend time with my honey and Yelp of course!

PS. I even got a cute little Yelp Elite Lunch Box that I forgot to snap a picture of but will when I get a chance this week. Loved it! Tres Retro .

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sick Day

Just a quick post letting you know I have lots  to post about ( well not really, just weekend activities) Once I get over this funky little cold that has  happened upon me compliments of the littles I will be posting again. Now off to wallow in my own misery while at work  hopefully I can get to bed early tonight.

I really like this photo

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Cupcake Boy Turns Two

Chocolate Cupcake, originally uploaded by jamieanne.

There is a big celebration at our house this weekend. The lovable and forever yummy David will be turning two. We are having a small get together to celebrate .

Here is a cupcake to put you in the mood. happy Weekend to you and happy birthday to my littlest love!

End of Week Lunch Boxes

Picture 305

Thursday Lunch Box

WW chocolate smoothie, salad , hard boiled egg, beans and sausage and wheat thins

Picture 304
Friday Lunch Box
WW pb dream bar, 1 slice of pizza, salad, and pasta I proably will not eat.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In the Fridge

 Last Week
Picture 300

On the door
Picture 292

This Week
Picture 299

As the shopper in the house I usually keep the fridge stocked and looking somewhat organized so I can find what I am looking for and it's usually full of quick snacks for E and the littles.

Things that are usually on our shopping list:

Salsa  and Chips. TJ's- Salsa Especial is our favorite
Milk -it does a body good
Chocolate -it's my favorite
Eggs -quick cheap protein for the littles when they are picky
Cheese - many types, the littles are cheese hounds
Wine - Duh!
Veggies -of all sorts
Dips- the littles love them for pick up dips

Preschool Art Month 3

Picture 301

Picture 297
Picture 298

More Preschool Art. September 2009

Wednesday Lunch Box

Picture 293

Rice and beans with one chicken sausage, fruit strip, trail mix with almonds, dried cherries and yogurt raisins, hard boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, and a cliff  bar I probably will not eat.

Dear David September 2009

Picture 296

 Dear David,

Much like my letter to your brother, I don't know why this never occurred to me before. To write a letter to you to tell you about your life. The happenings, your favorite things and the joy you have been to us. This month September 2009 we celebrate your 2nd birthday. You have really started to become your own person David. You have your likes and you obvious dislikes. You have no trouble telling us if you do not like something. In fact, I am really starting to regret we ever taught you the word "No" because we are paying for it now ;)

As a littlier guy you had a bit of a speech delay. You my dear boy are making up for that delay by picking up a new word what seems like everyday... Current word count  over 50 but you are still on the quiet side and I can see that you will eventually come out of your little shell. The other day I was tucking you into bed making sure you were as snug as a bug. I told you "Good Night David " after I kissed your nose and you looked and me and smiled and said "Good nite... mama" it was the sweetest thing I had heard all day. Your voice is like a little drip of syrup, warm and yummy. I immediately melted. It took me a minute to leave your room I just wanted to eat up all of the energy and amazement  that shines through you. 

I am writing you this letter  just  4 days shy of your second birthday. I can not remember feeling happier to be a mommy then how I feel right now. You are growing up so fast and that excites me and makes me a little sad as well , because we plan on you being the last baby for our family. I am eager for you to grow out of the diapers and on with potty training, but I find myself not pushing it as much as I did with Gabriel because I want you to stay my cupcake boy forever.

David I will tell you,  you have inherited your dad's love of sleep. You are ready for bed promptly at 6:30. If you are not  cleaned up and in your pj's you are not a happy camper and the baby temper flares. We keep you up a little longer  to make sure you are good and worn out but there have been occasions that I will go looking for you and I will find you laying on your bed with your alligator (toofers) snug in your arm and your blanket pulled over you the best you can manage. When I see you there you always pop up your head and say  "HI, nite" . So sweet and let me tell you appreciated. You are also  a late sleeper. We have to wake you up everyday. David Scott Anthony Alvino enjoys his sleep and don't mess with him when he is getting it. 

Here is a list of what else you are currently up to

Your famous favorite word "NO"  and you say it just like that "NO!"
All things Halloween Especially Skeletons
To jump on the couch ... mommy no like 
To chase the cats
To copy all things Gabriel does
To share your food with Gabriel and Paella the cat ( I don't like that either... the  cat part not the brother. It's ok to share with him)
To smile, laugh and thrown a howling fit
Cookies of all kinds

Food.. please grow out of this soon
When your brother does not share with you
Being told No
Staying in the house you want to explore

Well,  happy beautiful boy I wanted  you to know you are loved, adored in fact. You were the perfect cherry topping on my sweet cupcake life. Everyday I am thankful for you and the gift of being your mom. We have lots to learn together  you and I. I look forward to all of those lessons.

I love you, 

Dear Gabriel September 2009

Picture 294

Dear Gabriel, 
You are three years old. In the 40 months that you have been here with us  so much has happened. You were born, you had your first kiss, hug, bath, bottle, diaper change, tooth,  word, ice cream cone, sibling,tantrum, accomplishment and so many others first to list. I started my blog as a way to chronicle  you life , your brothers life and our many adventures or misadventures as it sometimes is. However, in all the time of keeping a baby book or blogging it never occurred to me to write you a letter and tell you about yourself. And so it is... a new project for mommy a monthly letter to my sons.
Gabriel you are a joy. Plain and simple. I am going to ooze sappiness and sound a bit cliche the way all mothers do when they speak of being a mom. You never ever have any idea the joy and love you feel at the moment  you first child is placed in your arms as when it actually happens and what an impact one human being can be on you. At that very moment you were handed to me I was in complete and utter love and have not fallen out of love yet. All that you do is interesting. Your mannerisms, the way you hold a spoon or a crayon. Your obsession with rice whether it be helping me make it or shoveling it in your mouth you can not get enough. Just shy of  your third birthday you were totally potty trained. You and I were both proud and beamed with excitement each and every time you yelled to me  from across the house "Mommy, I went caca!".
I never thought something as gross and lame as that would put such a smile on my face but it did each and every time. Gabriel, you are my sunshine boy. Up early like mommy ready to greet the world and day with new questions and challenges. Because  of our mutual appreciation for rising at the break of dawn you and I have been on many an adventure in the early morning hours. Going for walks together, catching up over a latte and hot chocolate at the local Starbucks  or leisurely strolling Target you have become my constant buddy, my favorite shopping companion. In fact,  I think you and I have had more hot dates these last three years together than daddy and I.
Now that you are in preschool you seem to really have your own little life. Friends I don't know, teachers who you speak to more than I do and dare I say it a mind of your own. As sweet as you are you are a naughty little guy too. Always the first person to get themselves into mischief and a shining example to your brother in what a little boy should be like... loud, funny, and full or energy. 
What are you currently into?
A fascination with Halloween, skeletons especially
Wow Wow Wubzzy
Bedtime stories
Your Coco
Constant snacking
Playing Preschool Ninja
Going to bed
Listening to mommy and daddy
Pumpkin(this is an ever evolving relationship, sometimes your off sometimes your on.. as I type this letter you and the cat are off.)
Food that contains any nutritional value (deep breath, we waste so much food... we really need to start composting)
Table manners ( we are working on it) 
I wanted to write you this letter to tell you that quite honestly you have me wrapped around your cute little finger. Whatever you want you always seem to get. My little man. My first baby. You and I will always be companions and friends.
I love you, 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Friday Fun

Leave a massage table out because you were being to lazy to put it away after the great massage your hubby gave you and this is what is sure to happen the next morning. Littles  using it as a make shift slide in the living room, along with their matching Spider man pals. I was waiting for the eventual toddler/ preschooler meltdown that would have resulted in either:
A: One or both littles getting hurt
B: One or both littles being put on time out

To my Friday off delight that never happened they  played happliy togehter long enough for me to snap these pictures then promptly put the table away before real trouble came my way.

A Lunch Box Collection

Last Tuesdays Lunch

                                                                 Last Wednesdays Lunch

                                                                    Last Thursday Lunch

Yesterdays Lunch
Last night I was running around  cooking dinner, taking yoga classes and attending a cvmc meeting so I forgot to pack my lunch. E thought he would help me out and pack something for me which is sweet but it was nothing to blog about. In fact he stuck a tupper in my lunch bag andthat was it. Oh well. I will pack a more interesting lunch tomorrow

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Holiday Dinner

Instead of the usual BBQ this year E and I chilled out when it came time to make Labor Day dinner plans . I defrosted some chicken and chopped up some veggies seasoned tossed everything in a bake pan and put it in an oven for 45 minutes.

I used red pepper, peaches, squash, mushrooms and broccoli. I served it with rice and a nice cold glass of lime aid and Pellegrino mixed. The holiday was great we took a much needed rest and spent some family time together.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Farmers Market Fun

We have not been to the local CV Farmers Market all summer. I thought Saturday would be a good day to go before we get too busy at the end of the summer and all the local fun is over... Here are some Snaps from our outing.

Leaving the house. I thought a walk would be fun
BBD liked the peanut butter oreos covered in chocolate, but who wouldn't
The look of baby chocolate bliss
We met some Chickens
A blue tongued lizard from Australia
He could have cared less it was all about the cookie
LMG met a rabbit he wanted to bring home. We passed I have enough going on w/out a rabbit
But it was a cute iphone camera moment
We met some new friends and had a jam session
Yeah Littles Yeah Rock On !
The crowd kept growing
Up close and personal
When I said it was time to leave this is the look LMG gave me
And the beginning of the fit that BBD started to throw
AAAHH! Fun times at the CV farmers Market.. yep it was time to go!