New month, new photo challenge. I love this little project. I love projects come to think of it. This one gives me blog material and it builds community with other iPhoneographers, bloggers and all around trendy people. I am all three of these groups curled into one cute little package. Look forward to more photo a day posts!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Daily Covet
Source: via Anita on Pinterest
i love this apron. i have lusted after it for a couple of years now. whenever i happen upon it i sit and sigh taking a deep breath sometimes in a very Carrie Bradshaw voice say Hello, Lover. its beautiful plainly anyone can see. I wanna tie it on with some cute little cigarette pants, black of course with a fabulous off the shoulder sweater and a very big curlie hair moment with big chandelier earrings, lots of bangle bracelets and mascara a pouty nude lip gloss... im thinking MAC chai. a cute little pair of flats because i think flats go well with cigarette pants and mix up a cocktail and serve someone a cupcake. this apron is very vintage chic. very mad men esque- very very betty draper. i'd like to get it. now if only don draper was the delivery man ;)
the daily covet #thedailycovet
Project bubble bath
Oh how I love you delicious warm bubbly bubbles. How I have missed my luxurious soaks why ever did we stop our rendezvous ? I'm so sorry you and I shall never part again because you are my true luv.
How much I had earned you last week with the mumbo jumbo of my life. The alarm clocks the occasional tantrums of children the blah blah blah of co workers and their attitudes and the mrrrna mrrrna murr of just everyday life ugh!!! It was blissful let me tell ya.
This weeks bubble bath was a combo of things I have had around the house. Some old orange navel bath salts that smelly delicious. I squeezed in some love and toast clementine crush and to top if off since I was feeling adventurous a sleepy time tea bag. What what what ? A tea bag. Yes, a tea bag the aromatics in the tea have the same effect on your body when absorbed into your skin in a bath. I learned all about this stuff in massage school. How to mix and blend herbs into water and salt to add on to massage sessions . I rarely use any of these methods but sometimes I do make myself a salt scrub or sugar scrub and a bath bag. Doing more with this knowledge is something I'm interested in doing in the future as I find myself often concocting something or another.
My bath was fantastic. I turned on some bubble bath tubes turned the lights off after a minute and relaxed. Believe me it was well deserved.
How much I had earned you last week with the mumbo jumbo of my life. The alarm clocks the occasional tantrums of children the blah blah blah of co workers and their attitudes and the mrrrna mrrrna murr of just everyday life ugh!!! It was blissful let me tell ya.
This weeks bubble bath was a combo of things I have had around the house. Some old orange navel bath salts that smelly delicious. I squeezed in some love and toast clementine crush and to top if off since I was feeling adventurous a sleepy time tea bag. What what what ? A tea bag. Yes, a tea bag the aromatics in the tea have the same effect on your body when absorbed into your skin in a bath. I learned all about this stuff in massage school. How to mix and blend herbs into water and salt to add on to massage sessions . I rarely use any of these methods but sometimes I do make myself a salt scrub or sugar scrub and a bath bag. Doing more with this knowledge is something I'm interested in doing in the future as I find myself often concocting something or another.
My bath was fantastic. I turned on some bubble bath tubes turned the lights off after a minute and relaxed. Believe me it was well deserved.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Preschool art : David
I love these little half sheets each week he comes home with one. I am collecting to make an art project for his room.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Daily Covet
lovely. sadly, i have no occasion to purchase and wear such a lovely fascinator.which makes this the perfect girly glam item to properly covet. i love a great fasciantor. i have always been a fan but i really found my fondness growing for them after watching the royal wedding. i kinda wish i had a wedding , a fancy party or an opera to attend so i can justify buying this glammy little thing. i mean i dont need to really justify it . if i really wanted this pretty little hair adornment i would just get it. i would wear it to and from preschool and kinder drop offs sip coffee lavishly at starbucks with it tucked into my dark locks and curls. i would wear it fabulously while folding laundry and baking cookies and i would wear it all of the time... simply because something this pretty should be brought out and shown off often.
the daily covet #thedailycove
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Daily Covet
its wednesday. this should be my wordless wednesday post. however this yumminess is to delicious to not express in words. im a writer. i love to write. i often express myself here, in my journal and my soon to be public other blog. i'm rarely with out words to express myself. I love the click tip tap of type writers. it transports me to a time long ago when someone in my distant memories used to type. it has me day dreaming of episodes of mad men.
i love the color pink. its the color of girlishness and glee. pink makes me think of my long abandoned barbie collection and of strawberry ice cream, mr bubble bubble bath and lip gloss. this pink typewriter is my daily covet.
i love the color pink. its the color of girlishness and glee. pink makes me think of my long abandoned barbie collection and of strawberry ice cream, mr bubble bubble bath and lip gloss. this pink typewriter is my daily covet.
Source: via Michelle on Pinterest
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Day 24: guilty pleasure
My yahoo inbox with built in messenger some dish and chit chat is only a click away. I really should be working... But chatting gets me through the slow parts.
get your yum on
are you seeking a super fast get your tushie out the door but be healthy about it breakfast? then this post is just for you. i know i am always on the look out for healthy quick eats and when i stumbled upon this it was like the sky opened up and the guardian angels of busy mommys everywhere was singing to me. YOU MUST GET YOUR YUM ON with this great idea!!! your going to love it.
last time i made these i mixed some eggs added cooked bacon and salsa and chopped up mushrooms. they are great in between a tortilla or on toast. also a great protein add in for salads. This is a Sunday cooking day must do. they keep well in the fridge and the best part is the little loved them!
Source: via Kathryn on Pinterest
last time i made these i mixed some eggs added cooked bacon and salsa and chopped up mushrooms. they are great in between a tortilla or on toast. also a great protein add in for salads. This is a Sunday cooking day must do. they keep well in the fridge and the best part is the little loved them!
get your yum on #getyouryumon
the daily covet

i am a consumer. i enjoy shopping. i see the need to own many silly things. it is both a blessing and a curse. a blessing because i often fill my nest and my life with different eclectic bits and pieces odd and ends.a curse because it sometimes makes me covet and coveting is a bad thing. Ask Moses, theres a whole commandment about it. Alas, if i must sin i rather it be a proper covet over a lipstick shade, a purse, a print then a neighbors wife! I pin often on my pintrest board but i wanted to share my love for things with my blog readers. so introducing drum roll please ...
this post will be all about my lastest covet worthy product. Totally lusty and completely unnecessary unless of course you fancy it to and want to pick one up for little ole me as well! I mean that will be much obliged.
my very first covet post ties two things together for my littles and i here in our nest. Star Wars pancake molds. star wars for me because I am a total star wars geek and pancakes for the little cause they love them some pancakes. I adore these and they are really not that expensive so I may or may not be picking these little molds up. im still on the fence. So are you a consumer what do you get all lusty over and what do you covet?
the daily covet #thedailycovet
Monday, January 23, 2012
I often creep into my littles rooms before I go to sleep. I tuck them in one last time push their wild little boy locks off of their foreheads and kiss their cheeks. I listen to them make sleep noises and whisper in their ears how much I love them and what happy beautiful creatures they are. They never wake up. Sometimes one will toss and turn away and barely open their eyes. It's a ritual that I adore. Being alone in the quiet with them observing the gift of being their mommy. I wonder sometimes what are they dreaming about. Ice cream cupcakes ? Crocodiles and ninjas? Playing at school or with their brother? I'll never know for certain. Only what they report back to me in the morning.
Littles baby book
Of the Kinderkid variety. I'm loving how my little is blossoming into a fabulous reader. He takes his time sounding out words and only peeking up at me when he's really stuck. His penmanship is improving slightly and he's writing sentences like a little champ.
I'm a pen pal :)
I love this voulnteer project that I do with girls inc. I'm a pen pal for several weeks to a elementary school age girl. This is my first letter in a long while. I used to do this project before my life got turned all about and now that I'm finding my way back to normal ... I want to give a bit of myself and time to a program I'm very fond of.
It's pretty simple you write a girl a letter and you ask her interesting things like what her favorite subject is or color or flavor ice cream and you tell her a bit about yourself . That you are 33 you like cooking and loved history and English class in school and that your favorite color is pink . You make a few colorful doodles and you anxiously wait for a reply. Now that I have a Kinderkid making out their writing won't be that tough. I wonder who I'll get this year and what her favorite color is.
It's pretty simple you write a girl a letter and you ask her interesting things like what her favorite subject is or color or flavor ice cream and you tell her a bit about yourself . That you are 33 you like cooking and loved history and English class in school and that your favorite color is pink . You make a few colorful doodles and you anxiously wait for a reply. Now that I have a Kinderkid making out their writing won't be that tough. I wonder who I'll get this year and what her favorite color is.
I started a cleanse this week. It's a 7 day quick cleanse. I'm excited about purging my body of waste and yuck just the way I purged my spirit of yuck recently. So far it's going ok. I was a little hungry when I got home but not starving. This cleanse is suppose to be one I can still eat food on . Next week I'm going to do a beginners juice cleanse. If I could afford it I would just send away for a proper cleanse oh one of these posh cleansing sites I'm always reading about but I'm not do im going to do it the DIY way. Of course I did buy a book to give me some guidelines and mixtures to concoct . I think I will try and save away for a cleanse for my birthday this year a gift of wellness and wholesomeness for myself. The third most important person in my life.
Week 2 project bubble bath
Or as I love to call it project mermaid. I had a long relaxing weekend. Late lady night I realized I did not despite my fruitful attempts at relaxation did not pencil in my bubble bath. So, I got right to it. I discovered the love and toast bath line at target this weekend . It smells enchanting. Almost good enough to want to nibble on. The creamy bath wash makes some delightful bubbles. Not huge ones but soft pretty smelling delicate bubbles that stick to your toes and finger tips.
Since I needed some more relaxation I brought in my bedtime yogi tea and sipped it while taking a proper soak. It was delicious the whole experience. I'm still very smitten with this body care line. The body lotion glides on but it's thicker more of a cream for extra moisturizing . The target I got it from had a few different scents but I and a certain someone liked the way the clementine crush smells so I got that but I'm looking forward to trying the other flavors on for size in the future.
Since I basically made this post a review... I'm thinking about bringing back my fabmama reviews this year. Let's say I do and this love and toast experience as review número uno for 2012.
I ended my weekend relaxation in bed curled up with my latest read . I have taken to reading a little more and I just started this novel have you read it? I do enjoy they story telling of lisa see. Once upon a time I was part of this fabulous little book club I should make the time to rejoin.
Since I needed some more relaxation I brought in my bedtime yogi tea and sipped it while taking a proper soak. It was delicious the whole experience. I'm still very smitten with this body care line. The body lotion glides on but it's thicker more of a cream for extra moisturizing . The target I got it from had a few different scents but I and a certain someone liked the way the clementine crush smells so I got that but I'm looking forward to trying the other flavors on for size in the future.
Since I basically made this post a review... I'm thinking about bringing back my fabmama reviews this year. Let's say I do and this love and toast experience as review número uno for 2012.
I ended my weekend relaxation in bed curled up with my latest read . I have taken to reading a little more and I just started this novel have you read it? I do enjoy they story telling of lisa see. Once upon a time I was part of this fabulous little book club I should make the time to rejoin.
Day 23: something old
My new toy a polaroid camera. This is a picture of the juice that David shot this morning I'm telling ya I'm raising budding photographers. I have been on a Polaroid covet for a minute so first decent chance I had to grab one I did.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Rain rain go away
Come back another day. I had a relaxing restful and dare I say it stress free weekend. A lot of sleeping and laughing cuddling and sadly sorry to say it eating. I did not mind too much though I rarely do this kind of indulging and I felt like a rainy weekend was a great time to take advantage.
Day :21 reflection
A curlie bed head. Winnie the pooh hello kitty and obviously me. Sleeping in is good and I don't do it enough. I plan on doing it a little more or rather as much as I can
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Day 17: water
Mixed with my it works greens. I drink so much water more then 64 ounces a day. Sometimes I feel like if I drank any more I would be a fish. I'm always getting up and running to the bathroom at work. Ugh sometimes it's dreadful. I do love it though it's my go to thing to drink I rarely drink soda or juice it's mostly water and coffee which I need to try and cut back on but I will admit coffee gets me through the day. Back to water. I like it plain I like it jazzed up with berries or cucumbers. I like it ice cold and rarely luke warm. This greens supplement gave this cup an orange taste and an Oscar the grouch color. It's suppose to provide you with your full day of fruit and veggie servings I'm excited to see what adding it to my routine of everyday fabulousness will get me. Ive heard weight loss, longer shinier hair, stronger nails, and fresher skin... We will see!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Day 16: morning
And each and every day I wake up to the two biggest blessings the Lord ever gave me. Gabriel and David. Most mornings are like this happy smiley and blessed but every once in awhile we have a grumble morning where all they wanna do is stay in bed and grumble... One is not a morning person can you guess which little it is ? The other is full if sun shine and giggles ready to start the day.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Today my mom turned 52. The picture at the bottom of this post is of us many many moons ago. I think before the sissy came along and turned our little duet into a threesome. I don't talk about my parents and sister all that much but I do adore them with all if my itty bitty heart.
I remember once upon a time when I was very young kindergarten I believe I could not however tell you what year of kindergarten ( yes I did it twice no it's not because I was too young it's a long story I'll tell another day) that I came home from school to a birthday party for my cabbage patch doll helen. My mommy decorated our little kitchen with party decorations and baked her a cake. My sissy was in attendance as well as our other stuffed animals to celebrate this once in a Dolly's life event her first birthday. I was over the moon thrilled. I remember that party for my cabby as clear as day. I remember the dress I was wearing it was blue with flowers an apron style dress. I remember my hair was in Pocahontas braids as that was my moms hair do of Choice for us . I remember the cake was chocolate. What I remember specifically how very special it was for my mom to do that. And it's with that example and tone I choose to be the mommy that I am. There are a whole lifetime of these sort of memories. And many more to come. Happy birthday mom I love you.
I remember once upon a time when I was very young kindergarten I believe I could not however tell you what year of kindergarten ( yes I did it twice no it's not because I was too young it's a long story I'll tell another day) that I came home from school to a birthday party for my cabbage patch doll helen. My mommy decorated our little kitchen with party decorations and baked her a cake. My sissy was in attendance as well as our other stuffed animals to celebrate this once in a Dolly's life event her first birthday. I was over the moon thrilled. I remember that party for my cabby as clear as day. I remember the dress I was wearing it was blue with flowers an apron style dress. I remember my hair was in Pocahontas braids as that was my moms hair do of Choice for us . I remember the cake was chocolate. What I remember specifically how very special it was for my mom to do that. And it's with that example and tone I choose to be the mommy that I am. There are a whole lifetime of these sort of memories. And many more to come. Happy birthday mom I love you.
The return of project bubble bath
Or my new fun pet name for this little ritual project mermaid. One of my very favorite things in the world is to soak in a hot delicious bubble bath. I don't really have the time I used to have to give to little ol me but after being super duper ill this weekend I felt like I need a real soak.
I filled up the tub with some glitter bubbles I got in my stocking this year. I like to deep condition my hair on Sundays so I pulled my hair up dripping in conditioner and turned on my play list. It was blissful until ofcourse my littles interrupted
I'm excited to bring this ritual back to my life and back on the blog. Look for new bubble baths I'll be reviewing from time to time as well as other delish bath products. I'm thinking it's going to be a good thing!
I filled up the tub with some glitter bubbles I got in my stocking this year. I like to deep condition my hair on Sundays so I pulled my hair up dripping in conditioner and turned on my play list. It was blissful until ofcourse my littles interrupted
I'm excited to bring this ritual back to my life and back on the blog. Look for new bubble baths I'll be reviewing from time to time as well as other delish bath products. I'm thinking it's going to be a good thing!
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